
  1. S

    Unwanted Autocorrect is causing an error

    I am having an autocorrect problem. Excel is Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2306 Build 16.0.16529.20002) 64-bit I am trying to declare a variable as a PivotTable. Excel keeps changing it to pivotTable with a lower case P which causes an error I added the these items in the...
  2. R

    Save AutoCorrect entry to workbook?

    I have a question about AutoCorrect - I know that custom entries are saved to the local computer's normal.dotm file, but is it possible to save a custom entry to an individual workbook instead of a different file on the user's computer? Or is there a way that when the excel workbook is opened...
  3. S

    Saving Autocorrect entries into different languages using VBA

    Hi all, Another tricky one for you gurus out there! The requirement is to have a number of predefined, user installable, corporate autocorrect entries available across a suite of Word documents (and preferably across all Excel and Word documents across the users systems, regardless of language...
  4. Prevost

    Shortcut for degree symbol and delete space

    Hi There. I have created an auto correct entry for entering degree C and degree F where degree is actually the degree symbol oof for degree F and ooc for degree C). But in order for it to work, it has to be a separate word. So I end up entering 20 oof and there is a space between 20 and the...
  5. J

    Auto Correct - Just one spreadsheet

    Hi, I have a spreadsheet that has to have numbers inputted as text. So I have added to auto-correct as i type all the numbers to text, i.e "3" to "Three" which worked great.... Then I opened another spreadsheet that I needed numbers in. :laugh: Of course it changed all the of them to text...
  6. J

    Auto Correct - Replacing space with underscore

    Hi Guys, I've been searching around for a few days but can't seem to find what I am looking for. :confused: I've created a worksheet with several drop down lists that are INDIRECTly related to eachother. As there are several hundred options in each list, I would like the user to be able to...
  7. M

    Saving Autocorrect settings between sessions?

    I like to define keyboard shortcuts for several symbols I often use. My computer is currently running both Excel 2003 and 2007. I was able to save my list of shortcuts in the 2007 version, such that each time I open a new workbook all the shortcuts were in place, but I can't seem to save...
  8. A

    Using Google maps to autocorrect a spreadsheet of badly formatted addresses

    Hi guys, Is it possible to upload a spreadsheet of badly formatted addresses and use google maps to autocorrect them to their proper addresses and address form? Thanks in advance,
  9. A

    autocorrect language options (dialog box)

    I am using Excel 2007, with Windows Vista home premium 32bit, When I go to Excel Options>proofing>autocorrect options, the title bar shows "AutoCorrect:English (united Kingdom)" I need it to be set to "English (United States)" is there a way to change this setting? Thank you In advance.

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