auto generated

  1. R

    Employee Schedule Generator

    Ok just throwing it out there for all you experts as I am not one. I want to be able to randomly generate a schedule for my employees. Basics...Each employee works 4 days a week but not necessarily in a row and 1 of the 4 days must be a Sat or Sun but not both. Each day there are 2...
  2. B

    Auto Generate Data-Sheets

    I'm fairly new to VBS, but have done lots of work in C, and C++. I'm having a hard time figuring out if what I want to do is even possible. Basically I have a lit of equipment that needs servicing each with a unique ID. The equipment can be broken down into two main categories. Each of these...
  3. P

    Generating Semi Unique ID's based off Multiple Criteria's

    I am trying to have the spreadsheet to Auto Generated an ID for me. I need this ID to Reference together 3 different Products into a Single Project. At the bottom I have included a link to a Sample Workbook & Picture. ENTERPRISE PROJECT A: (Composed of three different Products) MIL Site |...
  4. E

    Create new ID number without duplicates

    Hi all, I am trying to write a vba to generate unique ID numbers. This number needs to display in cell "I15" and cannot have already been generated. The unique ID will either need to start with "NHS" or "MAN" depending on which the user is requiring. For example, the ID would look something...
  5. C

    Creating Multiple Documents from a single table

    Hello and thanks for the help. I am trying to take a ton of sales leads and create a number of documents that we will send to each of our companies branches. The issue is that since they are sales people we can't send them each others leads because they will absolutely poach them. Is there a way...
  6. S

    Auto generate information from another sheet and more...

    Hey guys, so I'm kind of in need of a genius. So I just got promoted to DM and theres just so much tedious work that needs to get done. So basically I'm trying to create some type of template that will allow me to cross match IMEIs from Phones with a rebate report. I think this can be done with...
  7. A

    Excel CheckBox Into Word Paragraph.

    Hi all, I've recently generated an excel table for my company, showing every kind of assessment we do (followed by an ActiveX checkbox). The initial aim was to select any boxes you want, and generate a price at the end. Easy.Private Sub CheckBox6_Click() temp = "23" temp2 = "H23" If...
  8. M

    auto generate sequential numbers

    Im trying to create a job number generater. I have the following code: Dim NextNum As Long NextNum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Sheet1.UsedRange.Columns(1)) Me.txtjobno.Value = NextNum Me.txtjobno.Enabled = False Anybody know how I can get the program to...
  9. D

    Help me in coding formula....

    i am using excel2007 and i'm making a database system here is want... this is my first sheet, the input sheet. Excel WorkbookABCDEFGH12Code No.3DEPARTMENTS4DepartmentHR5SL for Sales6Project TitleMK for Marketing7FN for Finance8Created byOP for Operations910Date...
  10. M

    Code Behind Excel's Userform

    Is there anyway to see the userform that excel generates when you select your cell range then select Data --> Form?

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