advanced criteria

  1. H

    Based on Multiple Criteria Pick data from Total Sales Row

    Dear All, I need your help to come up with a formula where it should pick the Total sales based on two criteria. 1) Month and 2) Customer Name. The total sales row is after every two products within their respective tables. If a new product is added, then in each customer table will have all...
  2. X

    How to exclude rows that have empty cell in Col G AND have 0 in Col H with Advanced Filter?

    So I want to filter out all rows that meet the following condition in the title. How would I do that with the Advanced Filter?
  3. C

    VBA check multiple cells if empty put text in cell B

    What I want to do is try to figure out a macro or code that can check if there is data in column D but column Q, R, and T are empty then I want to place the word "New" into column B. Any Idea's? Thanks as always
  4. S

    Cycle and paste between workbooks with VBA

    So What I need to do is copy and paste the values from the green columns in workbook 1 into workbook 2 if its says "yes" in the last column. I then need to cycle to the next row in workbook 1 and paste the values into a NEW worksheet in workbook 2 and do the same until it no longer says yes in...
  5. S

    Matching values between sheets and then replacing VBA

    I need to search the 2nd column of the DATA tab and see if it matches the first column of the INDEX tab. If so I need to replace the 2nd column in the DATA tab with the value in the second column in the INDEX tab and then scroll through all rows of the DATA tab and do the same thing example...
  6. L

    Advanced nested if with several conditions <bdo...
  7. P

    Advanced Filter Wildcard using Formula

    I'm able to use advanced filter with wildcards that are values only. How do you use wildcard advanced filter using a formula. Sheet3 <colgroup> <col style="WIDTH: 30px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold"> <col style="WIDTH: 87px"> <col style="WIDTH: 64px"></colgroup> <tbody> A B 1 Column A...
  8. R

    Brain teaser. Please I need help anybody. My vba coding nightmare

    I have been playing around for a while now but no matter how hard I try I just can't get my vba coding to work for what I'm trying to do. I have had some limited success with match and index and then removing duplicates witch seemed to give me almost what I needed. Ok so this is what I'm trying...
  9. C

    Help with Advanced Sum Function (Sumif/Sumproduct Combo)

    Hi all, Long time user, first time poster, so I know I'm coming to the right place! Anyway, I had a friend reach out to me for some help with an excel formula she is trying to write. She has a table of data with Deal Numbers in the first column, a Strategy ID in the second, an associated date...
  10. L

    Moving each subsequent row over one column

    I would like to take a column of data (numbers or text) so I can use it for an Advanced Search Criteria and change it from: <tbody> ID# 264 372 521 601 784 </tbody> to . . . <tbody> ID# ID# ID# ID# ID# 264 372 521 601 784 </tbody>
  11. L

    Prepare for Advanced Search by moving each subsequent row over one column

    I would like to take a column of data (numbers or text) so I can use it for an Advanced Search change it from: <tbody> ID# 264 372 521 601 784 </tbody> to . . . <tbody> ID# ID# ID# ID# ID# 264 372 521 601 784 </tbody> Any help is appreciated!
  12. J

    Advanced Filter Criteria Range Help

    I have a master list of all of our parts for our inventory system as seen below <TABLE style="WIDTH: 959pt; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=1279><COLGROUP><COL style="WIDTH: 45pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 2194" width=60><COL style="WIDTH...
  13. M

    Stop New Items appearing in filtered Pivot table items

    Hi, I have a straight forward enough question but can't seem to find a straight forward way of doing it. In short, I have a Pivot Table based on a list showing say, Sales person, product category and quantity ordered. I set up a pivot table showing product category and sum of quantity...
  14. A

    queries- how to query data that meets a condition in FieldA OR another condition in FieldB

    I want to run a query that gives results where EITHER 1.) field A is not blank (Is not null) or 2.) field B is not blank i know how to return results where BOTH conditions are true, but i do not know how to query so that all results are returned where one or the other criteria are true. please...

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