add sheet

  1. B

    VBA Code to add a sheet after another errors out...

    I am attempting to add a new sheet after a specific sheet. Best I can remember (it has been some time back), it worked in standalone mode in a short test macro but now that I have integrated the code below with the rest of the macro code, it is not working. It compiles fine but at runtime, it...
  2. U

    VBA: Delete Row if Value is Zero & Copy Data Based on Values

    Hello Guys, Hope all is well. I have a sheet with more than more or less 100k lines. I need to trim the data first by omitting rows with "0" or blank as Value in Row R (Sheet 1). I found below code but it's taking much time probably because the file is too large. Sub DeleteRow() 'DeleteRow ot...
  3. T

    New Sheet with automatic naming & easy file navigation

    Hi all, I would like to have an excel file where I can easily navigate through the sheets. I have sheets for each week, but when I need an extra week, I would like to add a next sheet with one click. A macro is required for that. When that macro adds a new sheet, I would like the macro to...
  4. V

    'Name' of object '_VBComponent' failed

    Trying to use sheet code names instead of sheet names, in case users change the sheet name, and the below returns the error "'Name' of object '_VBComponent' failed". Test2.Delete Worksheets.Add ws_name = ActiveSheet.Name...
  5. N

    Macro to Add New Sheet with a New Year in every Sheet

    Hey guys, I am new to VBA and I am climbing the ladder by working on simple projects. Currently I am working on a calendar, it has a button "Add New Cal", when clicked it duplicates the active sheet but only changes the year; i.e. The active sheet has a calendar year 2016 and is a named range...
  6. J

    Macro Add Sheet Problems

    Microsoft Excel 2007 Windows XP My code works fine for creating the first 10 sheets but then stops. I'm not sure if that means I am copy-pasting too much for the document to handle or what. In module1: Private Sub Button1_click() Call Device1 Call Device2 Call Device3 Call Device4 Call...
  7. M

    Problem Implementing ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 in VBA (with string)

    Good Morning, I've done all kinds of searching, around this message board and other places, and I cannot figure out why I am getting an error here: ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=(IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP($B6," & Qtwo & "$C$2:$BE$92,54,FALSE)),""No Data"",VLOOKUP($B6," & Qtwo &...
  8. G

    VBA to insert and name sheet but avoid duplicate sheet name

    Dear All, I have VBA to add a new sheet. ActiveSheet.Copy Before:=Sheets(1) ActiveSheet.NAME = "Entry" However, I get an error if that sheet name already exits. How can I insert a new sheet and name it without creating a duplicate? Concatenating a sequence number to the end of...
  9. B

    Adding sheets from a list

    Hello All, I have a macro which creates worksheets based on a list in a specific sheet that I called Tools. The macro looks at this list and creates sheets which are named according to the list. What I need to accomplish now, is to have additional sheets created if and when I need to update or...
  10. H

    Code to always add new sheet after the last sheet

    Hi, i need some clue to do the following: whenever the macro is run, it will add a new worksheet as the last sheet, nomatter how many existing worksheets there are (i.e. the right most sheet tab will be this new added sheet) Sub AddLastSheet() Dim ws as Worksheet Set ws = worlsheets.Add...

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