- Excel Version
- 2013
This article shows how to use Dijkstra's algorithm to solve the tridimensional problem stated below.
Dijkstra's algorithm - Wikipedia
Dijkstra's algorithm - Wikipedia
- Actually, this is a generic solution where the speed inside the holes is a variable. The original problem is a particular case where this speed goes to infinity.
- Amelia, Otto and the holes are vertices; imaginary lines connecting vertices are edges, and two vertices connected by an edge are neighbours.
- Edges pass through hole centres, hence there is no direct path between all hole pairs, since you can only travel using edges. In other words, a given vertex will have partial visibility.
- Choose the number of holes, between 1 and 100.
- Generate an input table or insert it manually. This table will be (n+2) rows long; first n rows are vertex data, and the last two are for Amelia and Otto.
- Solve the problem by pressing a button.
- Define Amelia’s speed into solid cheese and inside the holes. Air travelling should be faster.
- To visualize again the last statistics, press the button at the solution sheet.
- A picture of the most recent solution is at the last graph sheet.
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Type Vertex
c(3) As Double ' coordinates
radius As Double
visited As Boolean
neig(101) As Long
nn As Long ' number of neighbors
tim As Double
previous As Long
End Type
Dim vert() As Vertex, i%, j%, n%, vc#, vh#, ss()
Function ENormSq(x0#, y0#, z0#, x1#, y1#, z1#) ' Euclidean norm
ENormSq = (x1 - x0) ^ 2 + (y1 - y0) ^ 2 + (z1 - z0) ^ 2
End Function
Function LPDist(x1#, y1#, z1#, x2#, y2#, z2#, x#, y#, z#) As Double
Dim xn#, yn#, zn#, bot#, t# ' calculates distance between line and point
If x1 = x2 And y1 = y2 And z1 = z2 Then ' line is a point
xn = x1
yn = y1
zn = z1
Else ' line is a line
bot = ENormSq(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
t = ((x1 - x) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y) * (y1 - y2) + (z1 - z) * (z1 - z2)) / bot
t = WorksheetFunction.Max(t, 0)
t = WorksheetFunction.Min(t, 1)
xn = x1 + t * (x2 - x1)
yn = y1 + t * (y2 - y1)
zn = z1 + t * (z2 - z1)
End If
LPDist = (ENormSq(x, y, z, xn, yn, zn)) ^ 0.5
End Function
Sub Main2()
Dim a%, b%, st$, curr%, an%, av#, sol%(), esum&, Lrow%, miss As Boolean
ss() = Array("Travelling time: ", "Average neighbours per vertex: ", "Used holes: ", _
"Average visibility: ", "Stats ", "Holes", "Solution", "Input data missing.")
n = Cells(11, 9)
miss = False
If WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(Range("I11:I11")) > 0 Then miss = True
Lrow = n + 5
st = "c4:f" & Lrow
If WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(Range(st)) > 0 Then miss = True
If WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(Range("I8:I9")) > 0 Then miss = True
If miss Then
MsgBox ss(8), vbCritical, "Worf Software"
Exit Sub
End If
vc = Cells(8, 9)
vh = Cells(9, 9)
If vh <= vc Then
vh = vc * 2
Cells(9, 9) = vh
End If
ReDim vert(n + 2)
ReDim sol(n + 2)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 1 To n + 2
vert(i).visited = False
vert(i).tim = 1E+200
vert(i).previous = 0
vert(i).nn = 0
For j = 1 To n + 1
vert(i).neig(j) = 0
Next j
Next i
For i = 4 To 5 + n
For j = 3 To 5
vert(i - 3).c(j - 2) = Cells(i, j)
Next j
vert(i - 3).radius = Cells(i, 6)
Next i
For a = 1 To n + 2 ' algorithm concept by Edsger Dijkstra
Visibility a
Next a
curr = n + 1 ' origin
vert(curr).tim = 0
Do Until vert(n + 2).visited ' destination
For i = 1 To vert(curr).nn
an = vert(curr).neig(i)
If Not vert(an).visited Then
av = NTime(curr, an) + vert(curr).tim
If av < vert(an).tim Then
vert(an).tim = av
vert(an).previous = curr
End If
End If
Next i
vert(curr).visited = True
If curr = n + 2 Then Exit Do
i = 0
i = i + 1
Loop Until Not vert(i).visited
curr = i
For i = 1 To n + 2
If Not vert(i).visited Then
If vert(i).tim < vert(curr).tim Then curr = i
End If
Next i
i = 1
sol(i) = curr
curr = vert(curr).previous
i = i + 1
Loop Until curr = 0
For j = 1 To i - 1
Cells(j + 3, 10).Value = Cells(sol(j) + 3, 3)
Cells(j + 3, 11).Value = Cells(sol(j) + 3, 4)
Next j
Cells(3, 10).Value = i - 1
Stat True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function NTime(first%, sec%) As Double ' travelling time between nodes
Dim ndist#, lv#
ndist = LPDist(vert(first).c(1), vert(first).c(2), vert(first).c(3), vert(first).c(1), _
vert(first).c(2), vert(first).c(3), vert(sec).c(1), vert(sec).c(2), vert(sec).c(3))
lv = ndist - vert(first).radius - vert(sec).radius
If lv > 0 Then
NTime = ((vert(first).radius + vert(sec).radius) / vh) + (lv / vc)
NTime = ndist / vh
End If
End Function
Sub Visibility(k%)
Dim aux%(), c%, nv As Boolean, d#, dc#, dd#
ReDim aux(n + 1)
c = 0 ' neighbours of k
For i = 1 To n + 2 ' can k see i ?
nv = True
If i <> k Then
For j = 1 To n + 2 ' the other holes
If j <> i And j <> k Then
d = LPDist(vert(k).c(1), vert(k).c(2), vert(k).c(3), vert(i).c(1), _
vert(i).c(2), vert(i).c(3), vert(j).c(1), vert(j).c(2), vert(j).c(3))
dc = LPDist(vert(i).c(1), vert(i).c(2), vert(i).c(3), vert(i).c(1), _
vert(i).c(2), vert(i).c(3), vert(j).c(1), vert(j).c(2), vert(j).c(3)) _
- vert(i).radius - vert(j).radius
dd = LPDist(vert(k).c(1), vert(k).c(2), vert(k).c(3), vert(k).c(1), _
vert(k).c(2), vert(k).c(3), vert(j).c(1), vert(j).c(2), vert(j).c(3)) _
- vert(k).radius - vert(j).radius
If d < vert(j).radius And dc > 0 And dd > 0 Then nv = False
End If
Next j
If nv Then
c = c + 1
aux(c) = i
End If
End If
Next i
vert(k).nn = c
For i = 1 To c
vert(k).neig(i) = aux(i)
End Sub
Sub Generator() ' input data
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
n = Cells(11, 9).Value
For i = 4 To 5 + n
For j = 3 To 5
Cells(i, j).Value = -100 + 200 * Rnd
Next j
Cells(i, 6).Value = 2 + 30 * Rnd
Next i
Cells(n + 4, 6) = 0
Cells(n + 5, 6) = 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub PlotSol()
Dim Lrow%, li%, st$, cp%, pts As Points, Ltype&, SC2 As Series, SC3 As Series, sax As Axis
Lrow = n + 3
Set SC2 = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2)
SC2.Name = ss(6)
SC2.ChartType = xlXYScatter
SC2.MarkerStyle = xlMarkerStyleCircle
st = "='Dat'!$c$4:$c$" & Lrow
SC2.XValues = st
st = "='Dat'!$d$4:$d$" & Lrow
SC2.Values = st
For i = 1 To n
SC2.Points(i).MarkerSize = DefMarker(vert(i).radius)
Next i
Ltype = SC2.ChartType
SC2.ChartType = xlColumnClustered ' otherwise transparency does not work
For li = 1 To 2
With SC2.Format.Fill
.Visible = msoTrue
.Transparency = 0.5
End With
SC2.ChartType = Ltype
SC2.Format.Line.Weight = 3
SC2.Format.Line.Visible = msoFalse
For i = 1 To n
SC2.Points(i).MarkerForegroundColor = RGB(0, EColor(vert(i).c(3)), 10)
With ActiveChart
.SeriesCollection(3).Name = ss(7)
End With
Set SC3 = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(3)
Lrow = 3 + Worksheets("Dat").Cells(3, 10).Value
st = "='Dat'!$j$4:$j$" & Lrow
SC3.XValues = st
st = "='Dat'!$k$4:$k$" & Lrow
With SC3
.Values = st ' y values
.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines
End With
Set pts = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(3).Points
pts(pts.Count).DataLabel.Text = "Amelia"
pts(1).DataLabel.Text = "Otto"
For i = 1 To pts.Count
pts(i).MarkerSize = 6
pts(1).MarkerBackgroundColor = RGB(0, EColor(vert(n + 2).c(3)), 0)
pts(pts.Count).MarkerBackgroundColor = RGB(0, EColor(vert(n + 1).c(3)), 0)
SC3.Border.Color = RGB(190, 20, 2)
With ActiveChart.Legend
.LegendEntries(2).Font.Color = 4
.LegendEntries(3).Font.Color = 7
End With
For Each sax In ActiveChart.Axes
If sax.AxisGroup = xlSecondary Then sax.Delete
Loop Until ActiveChart.Axes.Count < 3
End Sub
Function EColor(tc#) As Integer ' shade is based on
Select Case tc ' z coordinates
Case -100 To -50
EColor = 100
Case -50 To 0
EColor = 150
Case 0 To 50
EColor = 200
Case 50 To 100
EColor = 255
End Select
End Function
Function DefMarker%(vr#) ' marker size
DefMarker = Round(2 + vr * 2.188, 0)
If DefMarker > 72 Then DefMarker = 72
If DefMarker < 2 Then DefMarker = 2
End Function
Sub Stat(op As Boolean)
Dim esum&, st$, nh%, ann#, sv!(4)
If op Then ' calculate and store values
esum = 0
For i = 1 To n + 2
esum = esum + vert(i).nn
sv(1) = vert(n + 2).tim
sv(2) = esum / (n + 2)
sv(3) = Sheets("Dat").Cells(3, 10).Value - 2
sv(4) = (sv(2) * 100) / (n + 1)
For i = 1 To 4
Sheets("Dat").Cells(i, 40).FormulaR1C1 = sv(i)
Else ' retrieve last values
For i = 1 To 4
sv(i) = Sheets("Dat").Cells(i, 40)
End If
st = ss(1) & Format(sv(1), "0.0") & " s"
st = st & vbCrLf & ss(2) & Format(sv(2), "0.0")
st = st & vbCrLf & ss(3) & sv(3) & vbCrLf
st = st & ss(4) & Format(sv(4), "0.0") & "%"
MsgBox st, vbInformation, ss(5)
End Sub
Sub Formatter(cr As Range, tcv%, tas!, wv%, pv%, cov As Boolean)
Dim ca(), i%
ca = Array(xlEdgeLeft, xlEdgeTop, xlEdgeBottom, xlEdgeRight)
For i = 1 To 4
With cr.Borders(ca(i))
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ThemeColor = tcv
.TintAndShade = tas
.Weight = wv
End With
With cr.Interior
.Pattern = pv
If cov Then .Color = 13434879
End With
If cov Then Cells(50, 30).FormulaR1C1 = cr.Address
End Sub
Sub ForC()
Dim frow%, lastc$, es$, st$
frow = n + 5
lastc = "c" & frow
lastc = lastc & ":" & "f" & frow
If Range(lastc).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight <> xlMedium Then
es = Cells(50, 30).Value
Formatter Range(es), 1, -0.15, xlThin, xlNone, False
st = "c4:f" & frow
Formatter Range(st), 10, -0.5, xlMedium, xlSolid, True
frow = frow + 1
lastc = "c" & frow & ":" & "f105"
End If
End Sub
Sub CCopy()
Dim p As Object, t#, L#, w#, h#
For Each p In Sheets("LastGraph").Pictures
If TypeName(ActiveSheet) <> "Worksheet" Then Exit Sub
Set p = Sheets("LastGraph").Pictures(1)
With Range("b2:y35")
t = .Top
L = .Left
w = .Offset(0, .Columns.Count).Left - .Left
h = .Offset(.Rows.Count, 0).Top - .Top
End With
p.Top = t
p.Left = L
p.Width = w
p.Height = h
Set p = Nothing
End Sub