Mike Girvin

Mike “excelisfun” Girvin is a Highline College Business Instructor since 2002, the creator and mastermind of the excelisfun channel at YouTube since 2008 and was a Microsoft Excel MVP from 2013 to 2024. The excelisfun channel is the internet leader in bringing Free Excel & Power BI Education to the World since 2008 with a million subscribers, 3,700 videos, 10,000 downloadable files, a 100 playlists and 20 different free classes such as: Excel Basics, Advanced Excel, Power BI, Data Analysis, Analytics, Statistics, Math and much more. Mike Girvin has also authored several Excel Books and DVDs and has won numerous awards for teaching Excel. Before joining academia in 2002 Mike “Gel” Girvin ran the boomerang manufacturing company, Gel Boomerangs, in Oakland, CA from 1984 to 2002, winning numerous boomerang design and competition awards. It was while running Gel Boomerangs in the 1990s that Steve Kavanaugh showed Mike Girvin Excel for the first time. From that point forward, the power and fun of Excel was inescapable, and he went on to be an Excel teacher for the world! Currently, when Mike “Magic” Girvin is not creating Excel & Power BI solutions, you can find him each weekend out racing and parking BMX bikes with fellow rad old guys and his kid Isaac “Iceman” Girvin.