Liam Bastick

Dr. Liam Bastick FCA FCMA CGMA MVP
Starting off as a university lecturer, Liam has over 30 years’ experience in financial model development / auditing, valuations, M&A, strategy, training and consultancy. He has considerable experience in many different sectors (e.g. banking, energy, media, mining, oil and gas, private equity, transport and utilities and has worked in many countries including Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, United States, United Kingdom and Vietnam, with many internationally recognised clients, constructing and reviewing strategic, operational and valuation models for many high profile International Public Offerings (IPOs), Leveraged Buyouts (LBOs) and strategic assignments.
With over 1,000 articles written for the accounting profession, he is a regular contributor to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ), Certified Practising Accountants Australia (CPAA), the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), Finance 3.0 and various LinkedIn specialist discussion groups. Liam is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAEW), a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Management Accountants (CIMA), a Chartered Global Management Accountant and is also a professional mathematician. Since 2012, he has been recognised by Microsoft as a Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Excel, one of 104 such awardees worldwide (as at the time of writing).
Unfortunately, he follows Derby County and the England cricket team.