So let's say your file has 5 sheets, called
Sheet1 - Sheet5. And filenames are specified
in cell A1 in each sheet, and have values
The desired output would then be 5 files which
only contain the corresponding worksheet name?
file1.txt contents:Sheet1
file2.txt contents:Sheet2
Is this the objective, and is the cell that designates
the filename on each sheet the same range? (All in cell A1
or whatever)
Here is an example that works given the assumptions in my last post.
You could change the saveDir reference and the two
"A1" references as needed.
Sub Export_WBNames()
saveDir = "H:\"
For Each ws In Worksheets
If Application.IsText(ws.Range("A1")) Then
targetFile = saveDir & ws.Range("A1").Value & ".txt"
If Dir(targetFile) <> "" Then Kill targetFile
Open targetFile For Output As #1
Print #1, ws.Name
Close #1
End If
End Sub