what are the point of macros?

Posted by Surovy Panja on January 24, 2002 1:03 PM

I was just wondering why macros are used are why they are relevant. My problem is that I have to know why they are relevant to my coursework.
Basically I'm doing a program based upon a stock control and re-ordering system. In what way would macros help me? I know u probably need a more detailed description but I thought it'd make it too complex. An outline would be extremely helpful.
Thanks a lot
Surovy x

Posted by Marion on January 24, 2002 1:31 PM

See online Help about macros....

It tells about the virtues of macros.
They shortcuts for anything you do repeatedy.

Posted by Chris D on January 24, 2002 1:58 PM

Re: See online Help about macros....

Imagine you are a coursework teacher.

Instead of typing into cell A1 "I have checked this and it looks okay" into 400 spreadhseets from 400 people who all want to know if he has checked their work, he can switch on the "record" facility, go to A1 and type "I have checked this and it looks okay" then he can switch off the record facilty - he has just recorded a macro. Then he names it "checked and okay" and saves it.

When he runs it in the next student's coursework, it will remember he went to A1 and it will go to A1, it will remmeber he then typed "I have checked this and it looks okay" and it will automatically type "I have checked this and it looks okay" and then it will remember he switched it off and it will switch itself off.

Rather than taking 6 seconds for him to type "I have checked this and it looks okay", the computer will do it in the blink of an eye and save a lot of time and repetition.

NOw imagine that he's not a teacher, but is an accountant who imports his bank statements, then always replaces the words "money market deposit transfers" with "MMD" and then always replaces "incoming CHAPS reference payment" with "CHAPS" and then always sorts his bank details into numeric order, you can see how a recorded macro could save an hour or two hours work each day as it does it automatically in 10 seconds...

Hope this helps

Posted by Chris D on February 03, 2002 1:31 PM

Re: See online Help about macros....

Thanks a lot for your help. You have no idea of how much I appreciate it!! :-)
Surovy x

Posted by andré surovy on March 06, 2002 6:41 PM

hi panja,
we've got the same name. where are you from?