Wait for File but dont hangup system
Posted by Mark Zebitz on April 12, 2000 4:50 AM
Do you know a way to wait and look for a file to arrive in a chosen
directory ??
a) I have to create a ASCII file -> done
b) I have to tell a UNIX system to start a calculation -> done (by help
from allexperts !!- thanks)
c) Then I must wait for the UNIX to return a ASCII file to a certain
directory -> big problem !!!!
d) Then the ASCII file should be imported and the values placed in a
worksheet -> done
When I try working with the WAIT statement the system just hang-up for
between 1-4 minutes until the file arrive :-(
Result wanted:
I just what a TRUE return when the file are ready
maybe tell me in a msgbox.
I hope you have an idea for this problem....
System: Excel 97 on a WinNT system.