Using a Loop to find Numbers in a List
Posted by Douglas on March 19, 2001 11:47 AM
I have a list I use for lookups. One column has SS #'s, and these #'s can be repeated 1 to 20 times. I'm trying to build code that will start at the top, find the first SSNO, copy and paste it to a sheet, print the sheet, then go back to the list and find the next SS# in the list that is different, copy/paste/print, on to the next SS#.
Ex. SSNO Data
882-65-84xx 564.65
882-65-84xx 23.65
717-xx-59xx 45.65
I want to choose the first, copy/paste/print, then choose the "third" and do the same, then continue on to end of the list (All repeated SS#'s are sorted in order.)