Trans cell data in function VBA i guess

Posted by Jonny D (Jack in the UK's FRIEND) on January 26, 2002 5:13 AM

I have anasty little projrct :
Row A reads date,product,vaule,cost,VAT (Tax@17.5%), Tax amount,total followed buy loads of reporting data
In Row B fill in data entry

My problem is this, if VAT is filled in ie <>=0 then i need to copy that cell value to Column in thta same row, but it changes each time, i need a pop up box where i enter column on same row to copy over as same formula not value so editing is possible.

As always millions to do and will be added to each day.

some 79 columns no less with poss any of about 60 to choose from.

I have tried custom function but that means i have to copy down and it all goes wrong, i guess target as to copy over subject to input box result - else it copy and manual find the cell and paste..

Any ideas, i hope i have explaine enough..

Cheers guys
Jonny D (Jack in UK's friend)

Posted by Jack in the UK's ENEMY on January 26, 2002 8:14 AM

SO ?????

Posted by Jack in the UK (MR EXcel please clean this feed - silly people about on January 26, 2002 10:35 AM

Re: SO ?????

Hi mate, ill call you later - meet London in the week?

Some foll being nasty to me, dont worry - as you know i dont know the answer to this so i posted it for you - shame no one has answered - but hey i know a few really good guy are on here with good skills, sure some one will answer

See / speak in a bit.

BTW - i dont moniter this site as much as i di, so takes time to reply, Email work or home i get work in seconds, and home i check each hour / else call me.

Posted by Ivan F Moala on January 26, 2002 12:42 PM


Jack always offers help here, I'll extend the
same to it poss to send workbook
and details .....I'll have a promises
as i am always tied up.



Posted by Ivan from Jack in the UK on January 26, 2002 3:25 PM

Hi Ivan... Thanks for the support Jonny i called hes upset at all the rubbish flying about, we work together, i suggested he try this site if he stuck to have some fun, ill sort him out.

Ill mail you ASAP prob monday that tuesday to you in New Zealand i guess 12hours+ so go from there ill get hin to send me a sheet with all on so easy to get the idea fro there.

Thanks again Ivan - like you say no pressure or commitments.

Take care out there..
Jack in London UK