Tim F-W . . . Toolbar hiding ALMOST there
Posted by JAF on January 18, 2001 1:26 AM
Hi Tim
Thanks for your help so far on hiding and restoring toolbars. The slight amendment to the code you posted yesterday works fine, apart from one small thing...
The toolbars that I have open are Standard, Formatting, Control Toolbox, Drawing and a custom toolbar that I created. They all hide and restore EXCEPT for the Control Toolbox toolbar.
On Sheet1, I have the label "Toolbars" in cell A1 and a named Range (TBListRange) which is defined as Cell A2 (I have tried setting this named range to cover various numbers of cells in Column A, but this doesn't seem to make any difference).
When I run the ClearTBs and ReturnTBs code, the following cells are populated on Sheet1:
A2 - 1
A3 - 2
A4 - 5
A5 - 15
I presume that these are the numbers which identify to Excel which toolbars are open.
Any suggestions as to why it's excluding the Control Toolbox from the list?