Stopping a Macro to enter text

Posted by Chris Jones on August 20, 2001 9:36 AM

I want to run a Macro that moves from cell to cell - Allows me to enter text/ Figures - moves to the next cell and repeat etc etc.

It is only a simple worksheet

I am sure that this is an easy one but I cant work it out.

Help please


Posted by Malc on August 21, 2001 12:36 AM

Private ColNum as Integer, RowNum as Integer
Private CellData as Varient

Sub GetNextCell
for ColNum =1 to 10
for RowNum = 1 to 10
Next RowNum
Next ColNum
End Sub

Sub GetData
CellData = inputbox("enter your data", "Data goes here")
end Sub

The other thing you culd do is set up an Excel list with column headers and use a data form or even use a macro to call the form.
Any way change the ColNum and RowNum numers around to select different cells.