This code was shamelessly, shamelessly (I say) taken from on:
I've chopped out as much junk as I could in ten minutes. I know for a fact that there's still some unnecessary code still in there, but I can leave it to you to work that. The man behind BMSLtd is called Stephen Bullen and he wrote three chapters of a book that totally changed VBA for me, because he actually tells you how to use API calls.
' API Calls
Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" _
(ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nCmdShow As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DrawMenuBar Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetFocus Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
'Window styles
Private Const GWL_STYLE As Long = (-16) 'The offset of a window's style
Private Const WS_CAPTION As Long = &HC00000
Dim mbcaption As Boolean
Dim hWndForm As Long
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Get the userform's window handle
If Val(Application.Version) < 9 Then
hWndForm = FindWindow("ThunderXFrame", Me.Caption) 'XL97
hWndForm = FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption) 'XL2000
End If
mbcaption = False
End Sub
'Routine to set the form's window style
Private Sub SetFormStyle()
Dim iStyle As Long, hMenu As Long, hID As Long, iItems As Integer
'Have we got a form to set?
If hWndForm = 0 Then Exit Sub
iStyle = GetWindowLong(hWndForm, GWL_STYLE)
'Build up the basic window style flags for the form
If mbcaption Then iStyle = iStyle Or WS_CAPTION Else iStyle = iStyle And Not WS_CAPTION
'Set the basic window styles
SetWindowLong hWndForm, GWL_STYLE, iStyle
iStyle = GetWindowLong(hWndForm, GWL_EXSTYLE)
SetWindowLong hWndForm, GWL_EXSTYLE, iStyle
'Show the window with the changes
ShowWindow hWndForm, SW_SHOW
DrawMenuBar hWndForm
SetFocus hWndForm
End Sub