simple keyboard macro

Posted by DustyAgain on January 17, 2002 1:29 PM

I need to some repetitive keystrokes to work on a worksheet. The steps are straight forward enough, but I can't seem to figure out how to store them in a macro. The biggest problem is relative motion. For example:&LT;cut the value from the current cell>, &LT;down 1 cell>, <left 1 cell>, &LT;paste value>, &LT;down 4 cells>, &LT;stop>

Where do I need to look/read to get a handle on this style of macro?


Posted by Dustin Agee on January 17, 2002 1:33 PM

Posted by Jacob on January 17, 2002 2:13 PM


To move up/down/left/right use offset
i.e. activecell.offset(# of Rows, # of Columns).select

To go down or right use positive numbers to go up or left use negative.

