show a form or dialog during macro processing

Posted by BigAssWeb on December 31, 2001 1:32 AM

hi all
I'm new to this message board and I hope you can help me.
My problem is this - I have a macro that takes forever to run, and I'd like to give the user some indication as to its progress... so I built a userform with a label on it that is supposed to get its text value from the macro.
The problem is that i can't get it to show over the sheet... that is, i want it to show like a message box and only the number on the label are changing.
if I use show - the form waits for a user response.
if I use visible, I get a wrong use of property error.
10x in advance

Posted by Tom Urtis on December 31, 2001 4:40 AM

See J Walk's related tip at