I'm still a VBA amateur, but I tried to cobble something together for you. Basically, this routine loops through the entire row source to determine which items were selected and creates a string so the items can be selected through a range array. Hope you can glean some usefull info from this mess.
Private Sub cmdSelected_Click()
Dim strCellsSelected As String 'string to accumulate cell addresses
Dim intRelativePosition As Integer 'row number of selected item
Dim intListSize As Integer '# of items in list
Dim X As Integer
'in this example, the list box is named "lbxRow"
strCellsSelected = ""
intListSize = frmTest.lbxRow.ListCount
For X = 0 To intListSize - 1
If lbxRow.Selected(X) Then
intRelativePosition = WorksheetFunction.Match(lbxRow.List(X, 0), Range("a:a"))
strCellsSelected = strCellsSelected & ",a" & intRelativePosition 'create array for range
End If
strCellsSelected = Right(strCellsSelected, Len(strCellsSelected) - 1) 'get rid of leading comma
End Sub