Set x=cells.find("whatever")
If it's not there, this'll produce an error, so trap for it:
On error Resume next
Set x=cells.find("Whatever")
if err.number>0 then
' not found -- do something
Still having a problem with this. Here is the code that I'm using.
Private Sub Merge_Click()
Dim xlapp As excel.Application
Dim wkbNewBook As excel.Workbook
Dim wksSheet As excel.Worksheet
Dim strBookName As String
Dim currentCell As Range
MsgBox ("here")
Set xlapp = New excel.Application
Set wkbNewBook = xlapp.Workbooks.Open(excelFile)
strBookName = "c:\test.xls"
Set wksSheet = wkbNewBook.Worksheets(1)
MsgBox ("set worksheet")
With wksSheet
Set currentCell = wksSheet.Cells.Find("518910")
MsgBox (currentCell.Row & " " & currentCell.Column & "--" & currentCell.Address)
wksSheet.Range(currentCell.Column).Columns.EntireColumn.Insert (xlShiftToRight)
wksSheet.Range(currentCell).Value = "Hello"
MsgBox ("insert column")
wkbNewBook.Close SaveChanges:=True, FileName:=strBookName
wksSheet = Nothing
wkbNewBook = Nothing
MsgBox ("end")
End With
End Sub
It is giving an error indicating that the cells.find syntax is not correct. It states the object variable or with block has not been set.
Thanks in advance for the help