You should be able to reference the current work book as the active one. Like, ActiveWorkbook.Range("b1:c50").Printout
something like that...
Thanks for the help. But can you be more specific. I am really new at macros. For example, what the line says currently is...
Application.Run "'sales.xls'!ADMIN"
where ADMIN is the name of the macro that is running within the macro.
If the macro is in the same workbook, then just call it directly, i.e. Call ADMIN (if in a module) or Call Sheet1.ADMIN (if on a sheet).
If in another workbook, I'm not sure what to do. Maybe you could put the macro in the same workbook. If that's not possible, maybe you could have the user input the new file name in an inputbox, set the input equal to a variable, and work that into your command.
You will need to revise your code in the ADMIN macro that is in Sales.xls so that it works on the Active Workbook and not just on Sales.xls