Recording a Macro

Posted by Jamie on March 22, 2000 1:25 PM

Hello All,
I've created a worksheet that includes several (28) checkboxes (from the forms toolbar) and I'd like to create a macro that resets them all to the "unchecked" value. The trick though is that I must have the sheet protected and the checkboxes themselves locked.
How can I do this?
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

Posted by Jaime on March 22, 2000 3:04 PM


Sub test()

ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Value = xlOff

End Sub

U can change Activesheet with the actual name of the sheet. In case it's not active at the moment of execution.


Posted by Jamie on March 22, 2000 4:52 PM

That's it...can I ask one more?

Hi Jaime,
your post answered my question perfectly. Thank you. In fact it works so well that I'd like to do the same with my comboboxes but I don't know the code for that. I tried modifying the one you sent to work with the comboboxes but without luck. How would I do the same with all of my comboboxes? What I would like is for them to all contain the first variable of three drop down items.
Again, thank you so much for help with the first one.

Posted by Jaime on March 23, 2000 6:27 AM

Re: That's it...can I ask one more?


Have Fun ;^)

Posted by Jamie on March 23, 2000 8:31 AM

Thank You

Thanks so much for the help. It is greatly appreciated.
