Please help with hyperlink "problem".

Posted by Andrew on August 22, 2001 12:01 PM

I have one "summary" spreadsheet displaying a summary of a number of subschedules which are located in another Excel file. You can jump between the summary schedule and subschedules by means of a hyperlink embedded on all the sheets.

Problem: If I am in the subschedule and make a change which is in turn reflected on the summary schedule (but have NOT yet saved the changes on the summary schedule) and then press the hyperlink to return back to the summary schedule it gives this type of warning "file ... is already open... opening it will cause your current changes to be lost". If there are no changes on the summary schedule waiting to be saved then I don't get the warning message.

This prevents me using the hyperlink unless I manually go back to the summary schedule and press save.

Any suggestions????

Posted by Damon Ostrander on August 23, 2001 11:12 PM

Hi Andrew,

Here's a simple solution. Instead of a hyperlink, simply assign your embedded button or graphic to the macro:

Sub JumpToSubSchedules
End Sub

Where SubSchedules is the name of the workbook you want to jump to. Do the same thing for returning to the Summary workbook.

Happy computing.
