Need help with macros

Posted by Susan Aspland on October 22, 2001 3:40 PM

I have a workbook that I have protected and distributed around the office. On one sheet I have text boxes but I am getting a lot of complaints that after typing info into a cell you can not click on the text box to type info until you have hit the enter button to enter the info into the cell.
Same if you are in a text box on a protected sheet you can not interact with any of the check boxes on the page.
Is there a way to fix this.
I a macro that selects this page. Is there something I can add to that?
Please help.

Posted by JayD on October 22, 2001 4:15 PM

This is going to be a little sketchy because I can't try it at the moment (this is from memory).

I think you need to use an ActiveX text box instead of the one on the Forms toolbar. Display the "Controls Toolbox" menu (View > Toolbars). After putting a text box on your spreadsheet, you need to enter "design mode" to link it to a cell in the spreadsheet. There is a "Design Mode" button on the Controls Toolbox menu (it looks like a ruler with a triangle above it I think). With the design mode selected, double clicking on the text box will open a visual basic window where you can edit the properties of the text box, link it to a cell, etc. To get the text box to "work" you need to exit design mode. You'll see that entering something in the text box will appear in the cell linked to it as you type it in - you don't have to press "Enter."

Give it a try. If you need more info, I can get to an example tomorrow (or I imagine someone else will look at this and can provide more detail).


Posted by Susan on October 22, 2001 7:05 PM

That did the trick. Thanks a bunch.
