Need help with Access form and Stamping date/time/user id
Posted by Kevin Mac on December 13, 2001 1:25 PM
I have the following code on a worksheet and will be using a Microsoft Access "form" to fill in the worksheet. If I use the "user form" to input the data, it does not perform the code functions of data/time stamp and username. If I manually populate the cells, it works fine? Can anyone suggest a change to get the date/time/username stamps to work, when the data is input with the user form? I am also looking for a way to force the form to automatically appear, instead of the worksheet the data will be sent to, for the personell that will be entering data into the form and would like an idea of how to "force" the form to the users, and only myself or another designated admin can access the worksheet and database.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
;Dim Chged As Range
;For Each Chged In Target
;If (Chged.Column = 1) Then
;If (Chged.Row > 1) Then
;If (Chged = "") Then
;Chged.Offset(, 1) = ""
;Chged.Offset(, 20) = Application.UserName
;Chged.Offset(, 21) = XlParamaterDataType & " " & Format(Now(), "hh:mm AM/PM")
;Chged.Offset(, 22) = XlParamaterDataType & " " & Format(Now(), "m/d/yyyy")
;End If
;End If
;End If
;End Sub