marro Save_As

Posted by jdenoon@aol.col on May 02, 2001 12:18 PM

I need to setup a macro
1) prompts me with the Save_As windows so I may save my workbook to a dif loction every time
2) after I name the file it will convert all my links to Values.

I was able to convert all my links using the macro recorder but Im not able to get the save_as to prompt me

Posted by Dave Hawley on May 02, 2001 11:55 PM

Hi, Try this code:

Sub SaveAndConvert()
'Written by OzGrid Business Applications

'Show SaveAs Dialog and if Workbook Saved, convert ALL
'Formulas to Values
Dim Wsht As Worksheet
Dim bYesNo As Boolean
bYesNo = Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show
'If bYesNo = False Then Exit Sub

For Each Wsht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
On Error Resume Next
Wsht.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas) = _
End Sub


OzGrid Business Applications