Macro won't go away

Posted by Jo on January 08, 2002 4:10 PM

I've deleted the Macros in a workbook. However, whenever I try to open it, it still says "Enable etc". What do I need to do? (I went, Tools, Macros, Delete)

Posted by Cloten on January 08, 2002 4:35 PM

Go to the VBE and remove the whole Module (not just the macro code)

Posted by Jo on January 08, 2002 8:19 PM

I'm about to show how new I am to Excel. But how do I get the VBE and delete the Module.
(Sorry, very new to all this)

Posted by Cloten on January 08, 2002 9:08 PM

Right click on a sheet tab and select View code.
On the right hand side of the window that appears, there should be a sention headed "Project-VBA Project" (if mot, go to View>ProjectExplorer).
Expand "Modules" (under the appropriate VBA Project), right click on each Module and select "RemoveModule".

I'm about to show how new I am to Excel. But how do I get the VBE and delete the Module.

Posted by Phil Link on January 15, 2002 10:32 AM

I got bit by this one. After I created a trial macro and it didn't work, I deleted it from TOOLS/MACRO, highlited the macro and selected delete. The macro was gone, but ever after I got a message when opening the workbook aasking whether to enable or disable macros. This is a security issue and can be defeated by unchecking the TOOLS/OPTIONS/GENERAL Macro Virus Protection Checkbox. This can be dangerous, however, with all the viruses in circulation.