Macro to cut from one spreadsheet and paste to another

Posted by Lewis on November 08, 2001 3:20 AM

I have a spreadsheet with a number of data in cells spread about (not in the same row or column). I want to cut this data and paste it into another spreadsheet,
in the next free row. I would also like to make this conditional on data being present in certain of the cells.

Any help very gratefully received

Thanks in advance

Posted by Tom Urtis on November 08, 2001 5:29 AM

Have a look at Barrie's post from yesterday


It's not clear from your question as to how specialized your needs are for this task. Aside from doing it manually, go to this link for a VBA solution that Barrie Davidson posted yesterday for a similar question and modify his code to suit what you need. If that's not useful to you, please provide more specifics as to the uniqueness of your problem. Try this:


Tom Urtis