Macro Protection

Posted by James on December 06, 2001 5:44 AM

I realise this may be a stupid question but the situation is thus:
I have a spreadhseet which models a business. I want to protect it so as there is no way a third party can re-model it. I have protected the sheet but cells can still be copied to a new sheet and cells then altered accordingly. I have then restricted copy functions succesfully, including ctrl-c, edit-->copy and right click (except when a new button is added!).

My problem (and I realise it has ethical issues) is that the third party may have macro protection enabled and could disable my macros and continue with the copying. Is there any way around macro protection?

Posted by Juan Pablo G. on December 06, 2001 6:59 AM

I would say that fortunately, not. Because other wise we would have some serious virus problems.

Juan Pablo G.

Posted by Jack on December 07, 2001 5:10 AM

YES there are ways to jump such protection, just as there are ways to make the text in VBS modual invisable, but i do not know how and i would say soon i guess more people will know how to, but i would not post such and answer sorry but i totally support and agree with Juan, Tom also on this site agrees, however its is possible as almost anthing is in Exel with VBA but i strongly advise to drop the idea from your mind as its not good, i hate Virus writter and i wish the would use thier skills to help us all, but they dont TRUE Excel-lers help each other and go to such lengths to do jst that, Virus coders do not.

Macro protection is a necessary evil we need to keep.

Sorry to be harsh, but its true, i too would love to drop the nag of protection but best be safe.