My experience has been (anyone correct me if I'm wrong) that Excel does not recognize conditionally formatted cell shadings as being the "real" interior color index of the cell, because the shading you see is temporary by definition, subject to change anytime the condition changes.
One reliable way to get around this is to identify (by sort, filter criteria, or what have you) the conditionally shaded cells by their conditional criteria. If for example, your cells in column A are green because they contain a number greater than 100, then sort column A by ascending (or descending) order and copy and paste that range (currently green) that meets your criteria.
Unfortunately this is a theory explanation, not a real code solution in your actual case, but maybe this can provide some ideas for you.
Tom Urtis
Oh well, thanks for the assist.
: I have previously asked how using conditional formatting to change a row green, I can then copy and paste only the green rows onto another spreadsheet. : The reply below was almost there.
Tom, just confirming you theory. [NT]
: I have previously asked how using conditional formatting to change a row green, I can then copy and paste only the green rows onto another spreadsheet. : The reply below was almost there.