listing files in a folder

Posted by Sam Samojenko on December 06, 2001 4:27 PM

I have a need to identify all *.xls files in a folder and tried running the following macro. Problem is when the last file is found the macro falls over. Can you help?

Sub findfile()
Dim Files
Dim LRow As Integer

Files = Dir("\\ntco04\nsexec\finreports\depts\*.xls")
LRow = 40
Range("A" & LRow) = MyFile

Do While Dir <> ""
LRow = LRow + 1
Files = Dir
Range("A" & LRow) = Files

End Sub

Posted by Colo on December 06, 2001 6:00 PM

Try This, and please check HELP of "Do Loop statement".

Sub findfile()
Dim Files As String, LRow As Integer
Files = Dir("\\ntco04\nsexec\finreports\depts\*.xls")
LRow = 40
Do While Files <> ""
Range("A" & LRow) = Files
LRow = LRow + 1
Files = Dir
End Sub