Create a macro that runs everytime the file is opened that copies the Now function and paste special as a value to your target cell.
Open the VB Editor
In the MS Excel Objects: ThisWorkBook add the following:
Range("A1").Select 'Cell where =Now() is
Range("B1").Select ' Target Cell
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False ' PasteSpecial value only
Good luck
***You can go to File Properties, and see the date and time when last modified and accessed.
Which is better, this Macro or Track Changes?
We have the same thing at our work. We just do track changes. Is this Macro a better way?
***You can go to File Properties, and see the date and time when last modified and accessed.
**** Under the Statistics tab
You could Share it and Track Changes [nt]