Kill All VBA

Posted by Lost in the code :( on May 28, 2001 8:57 PM

hope someone knows how to do this :

Finally figured out how to use "Call" and "on error goto ...".

So I now have tons of Call. Each sub has a "on error goto..."

Everything works fine except when I hit an error
the vba does what I want (exit sub). But only exits that
sub - VBA still continues with rest of the subs (). Anyway
to totally kill any VBA processing.

As always - thxs for any input.

Posted by Dave Hawley on May 29, 2001 1:07 AM

Hello Lost in code!

You can halt all code by using the End keyword.

Be very careful using GoTo at will as you will end up with what is known as spaghatti code.


OzGrid Business Applications

Posted by Hello Lost in code :) on May 29, 2001 6:28 AM

David :

Thxs it works perfectly. daaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!1

As to "GoTo at will as you will end up with
what is known as spaghatti code"

Soley using it to prompt msgs @ end of the same
macro letting me know there's a bug.

Again thxs
