Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim Form_2 As Form_Song_Two
Dim S_ID As String
Dim S_Name As String
Dim S_Age As Integer
Dim Excel_Object As Object
Set Excel_Object = GetObject("c:\temp\S_Stuff.xls")
Excel_Object.Windows(1).Visible = False
S_ID = (Excel_Object.Worksheets("Info").Range("F17"))
S_Name = (Excel_Object.Worksheets("Info").Range("F18"))
S_Age = (Excel_Object.Worksheets("Info").Range("L17"))
End Sub
I know so far its taking all the values from the Excel Sheets and is storing them onto the specified variables, but can you help me with the population of an Access Table having the specified field names and properties?
Thanks again.