I want to share this info with everyone!!! It could be useful
Posted by Kev Tweddle on January 24, 2002 6:12 AM
To everyone!!
I have a makro that reads a large list of data from a text file and then I filter out certain data and display the filtered data on another sheet. From this data I create a 3D Pie chart whose values are shown in percentages (bloody slow when makro executed, probably through data filtering) then I saved my file under a different directory but as the same name (this was testing ma makro). When I opened the file the Makro sprang to life and that is not what I wanted. So how do I get around this problem:
My makro basically was a form with choices as to what sort of data would be loaded, there two different types. For example my makro has a choice of loading data with files in MB and the other shows how much data is free on users Hard Drives.
Read the code through, think about it, it really is helpful
Private Function SheetExists(Table As String) As Boolean
Dim hidden As Variant
On Error GoTo errorhandler
hidden = Sheets(Table).Visible
SheetExists = True
Exit Function
SheetExists = False
End Function
Public Sub auto_open()
If SheetExists("<Name of worksheet>") Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf SheetExists("<If you have another worksheets name from the other data>") Then
Exit Sub
Procedure name of start of Makro (Usually Module 1)
End If
End Sub
What use is this code you ask?
Imagine you start the makro and you want to save it but accidentally you save it under a different directory as the same filename this will remove the problem of the makro always starting.
What about if someone clicks the save button, it will overwrite the makro file and then youre buggered. Solution (if you have Winnt 4.0 or Win2000 set the rights so that only you have full access to the file whereas the others can only read it.