How to suppress the prompt for macro Enable/Disable

Posted by Shamsuddeen. P.K on November 22, 2001 4:17 PM

When I open a workbook which contains macro, a popup message appears on the screen : Enable Macro - Disable Macro.

How to suppress this message so that the user always opens the workbook with macro enabled.

Please Help


Shamsuddeen. P.K

Posted by Tom Urtis on November 22, 2001 4:27 PM

Click on Tools > Macro > Security, select the Security Level tab, and choose the "Low" option.

Posted by Jack on November 23, 2001 3:00 PM

Soon as i saw this post i knew Tom would be in fast, remember you can only effect you PC not others, i set my PC to highest security and my virus checker is on constant scan and upload and download that meand no read or write passes with out being scanned, ok my PC slows up quite a lot but ive never had a nasty

Dropping security is not good, i could email a xls sheet that could distroy your PC like that, if i was a nasty guy, i have virus and suggest we all campaing against them, do not lower from notify of macros, this way you lkook to see if the Xls ss i good or not. Virus programmers have worked arround this, i have no ideas how, and hope we combat them so we are safe.

I know you understand.. keep security high not xls file is that important is it?
Also virus effects other PC i don tknow how and over rides security, so not so good.

Posted by Ivan F Moala on November 23, 2001 3:39 PM

Yes you can work around this via (if you have access) changing the Registration bits in a loader
file to turn it off. The Q had been asked many times....each time I have answered I usually refer
them to emailing me for this otherwise it can be
used maliciously as you point out.
Now I prefer to skip the Q.
Easiest way around this is to delete any files
NOT from a reputable soure.


Posted by Tom Urtis on November 23, 2001 11:03 PM

A few comments

Everything everyone said is right on the mark, especially the part about potential malicious behavior by a relative few.

On the innocent side, it strikes me when I visit my various clients that non-Excel-savvy employees get confused with keeping this feature on high alert. They select the Disable Macros option, when the only files they receive or work with are from other trusted company colleagues on their LAN or WAN, which are created and/or stored on a shared drive company server. In these cases, maintaining a Low preference saves time and productivity.

Just as with dangers such as AIDS and anthrax, computer virus warnings have been shouted far and wide for good reason. Still, when someone asks how to do something in Excel or anything else, I find they are most appreciative when they have the answer, and can weigh for themselves what risk they are willing to take, given what benefits they perceive. People enjoy options and the power to make their own decisions based on all the available information.

Tom U.