how to make changes to multiple files/macros

Posted by Kevin on November 08, 2001 6:43 AM

At work each employee has his or her own timesheet spreadsheet. Each spreadsheet contains the employee's own unique data, along with some macros that clear hours, filter out blank rows where no hours are coded, etc. Is there a quick way that I can make changes to these files or to the macros that are in these files without opening up each individual file and making changes separately? Perhaps there is a better way that I can set this up? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Kevin Skinner

Posted by Dank on November 08, 2001 8:02 AM

Why don't you create an add-in which contains the various macros and forms you need. Then store this somewhere where everyone has access. You can then make changes just to the add-in without having to change every single file.


Posted by Kevin on November 08, 2001 2:58 PM


How do I go about doing this? And does it make any difference if the files have the same macro but otherwise all have different data in them?

Thanks for your help,