How Do I Prevent a Macro From Being Viewed or Edited?

Posted by ereit on November 04, 2000 9:42 PM

How do I lock up a macro so other users of my workbook cannot view or tamper with the macro?

Posted by Celia on November 04, 2000 10:40 PM

In the VB Editor go to Tools>VBAProject Properties>Protection


Posted by Ivan Moala on November 04, 2000 11:53 PM

In the VBA Editor
Select Tools / VBA Project properties
In the dialog box select the Protection Tab
Click > Lock project from View
Enter password

Don't forget it !!


Posted by JAF on November 06, 2000 3:38 AM


Whilst it is possible to protect your VBA code as detailed by Ivan and Celia, there is software available which can reveal the password used.

Don't use any password that you use elsewhere!