Are you using the New keyword when you are dimensioning the FileSystem object? This code will work as long as you set a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime.
Sub CopyAFile()
Dim SourceFile As String
Dim DestinationFolder As String
Dim Fs As New FileSystemObject
SourceFile = InputBox("Please enter source file path", "File Path")
DestinationFolder = InputBox("Please enter destination folder path", "Destination Folder")
If Right(DestinationFolder, 1) <> "/" Then
DestinationFolder = DestinationFolder & "\"
End If
Fs.CopyFile SourceFile, DestinationFolder & "\"
End Sub
oooops, typo in above code...
The additional slash on the second to last line isn't needed i.e.
Fs.CopyFile SourceFile, DestinationFolder