Get rid of "Enable Macros" and "Don;t Update Links"?

Posted by Matt Evans on October 22, 2001 9:17 PM

I'm sure this has been answered a million times - I have a spreadsheet that a number of people need to open regularly. It has macros, but no links. I'd like to somehow turn off the two message boxes that open up when the file is opened (to enable macros and to not update links - phantom links which I wish I could get rid of but can't seem to, even after using the delete links wizard from MS). The message boxes seem to bother people. Thanks for any help.

Posted by Stuart on October 22, 2001 9:34 PM

Macros: Tools, Options, General Tab, Uncheck Macro Virus protection (you will need to do this on each PC).

Links: Tools, Options, Edit Tab, Uncheck Ask to update automatic links

You will need to do this on each PC. However, if these people receive emalis from external sources, I wouldn't recommend turning off macro protection unless they can pick up a virus with their email client or virus scanner that may use macros to spread.


Posted by Craigd on October 22, 2001 9:35 PM

Re: Get rid of

Create an autoexecuting macro in the workbook that initiates as the file is opened and includes the line:

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

This should turn of any messages at all, and the default reply for any such pompts is automatically assumed. Be careful to turn on alerts again (
Application.DisplayAlerts = True) as necessary..

Posted by Jonathan on October 22, 2001 9:37 PM

Have you tried Edit/Links... ?

To turn off the macro dialog box, assuming that there are macros in the workbook, you'll need to digitally sign the workbook.