General VBA Question, non technical
Posted by Smith on April 04, 2001 4:27 PM
Hello Everyone, I'm writing to ask for general advice. I have been trying to learn VBA for sometime now, and excel as well. I have realised the place where I work that such knowledge helps you alot in your work. I have learnt to use formulas, its basic, buts its all I need.
The problem is with Macros, I have bought some VBA books, but I just dont seem to learn it. I admit I'm a slow learner, so it doesnt make it easy as well.
I have just been made redundant, so I was thinking in enrolling in college. Not many places teach VBA. There are some distance learning organisations, but for a slow learner, its a pointless exercise. I need to see someone do it, then , maybe, if, I will learn.
There are lots of places where there teach VB(not VBA), do you think it will be as good as learning VBA. Also all you macro experts, how did you learn it, through VB, VBA, another language, was it self taught, college, etc.
Sorry for the long post, but I've reached a dead end here, I just dont seem to be able to learn macros, apart from creating a message box.
Please answer. Thankyou in advance