Fast Data Entry

Posted by Timo Schambreel on October 20, 2000 7:32 AM

I need to jump from a cell to another cell to accept input from the keyboard. E.g. say I need to input at Cell H1, accept a value, then jump to Cell H3 accept another value, then jump to Cell H8 and repeat the process and so on.
The solution must have something to do with a Macro changed in VB.
Can you help?

Posted by Ivan Moala on October 23, 2000 1:06 AM

Yes you can do this but it needs to be hard coded
into the worksheet you want along with the range
of cells to jump to.
This is probably best done via a worksheet change
event eg.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Select Case Target.Address

Case "$H$1"
Case "$H$3"
Case "$H$8"
End Select

End Sub
