Check your programs tab in Internet Explorer and make sure your email program is set to Notes.
I have - Notes is my default email program.
The problem is that the file does not attach to the email, and arg1 doesn't get put in the "TO" field of the note, like it does in Outlook.
I have this macro, maybe it'll help you. I don't know how it behaves since i don't use Lotus, but...
Sub Mail()
Dim Data As Variant
Dim s As Object
Dim db As Object
Dim doc As Object
Dim r As Integer, x As Double
r = 38
Set s = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
Set db = s.GetDatabase(" ", "mail\username.nsf")
Set doc = db.createdocument()
doc.form = "Memo"
doc.sendto = ","
doc.Subject = "New Trade Ticket Purchase"
doc.body = "Trade ticket number " & Cells(r, 5) & " is ready for allocation" & ". " & " " & "(" & Cells(3, 5) & " " & Cells(3, 17) & ")"
Call doc.send(False)
Set nSession = Nothing
End Sub
Juan Pablo
Juan Pablo, can you provide more info?
I have tried that one myself, as I use Lotus Notes, but I cannot get the file to attach to the email message. Also, the cell references you have in the doc.body line are confusing, and don't pick up any values for me - can you clarify those for me?
...i'm not the creator of the macro, and also, i don't have Notes neither at home or at the office, so it's difficult for me to see what's it doing. Looking at the code i don't see anything that referes to attachments, i only provided it as a starting point where maybe you can customize it to do what you need.
Juan Pablo
I have developed a Notes (client) database that uses ODBC to read Access / Oracle / Excel files and compile a Notes mail or stored form from the fields in the data. I did it this way because I was not able to get MS apps to communicate very well with Lotus Notes.