Disapearing macro toolbar

Posted by Tim on January 15, 2002 3:18 AM

In Excel 97 I the toolbar that always appeared when
selecting the keyboard recorder has disapeared.
How do I get it back?

Posted by Tom Urtis on January 15, 2002 3:37 AM

Not sure if I understand your problem exactly, but if the Stop Recording toolbar button does not automatically appear, then try this: Start recording a dummy macro, then click on View > Toolbars and select Stop Recording. That will make the Stop Recording Toolbar appear. Now immediately click that Stop Recording button and discard that dummy macro (you don't want the Stop Recording button to pop up whenever the macro is run!!). Start the recording process again and that button should now be visible during the recording process as usual.

If I've totally guessed wrong on what you're after, sorry, please repost.

Tom Urtis