dialog while macro is running

Posted by John Spencer on March 27, 2001 6:14 PM

I have some macros that take several minutes to run. Is there any way to display a screen like the ones that are displayed whenever you delete/save/copy a large file. I would like something that can show the progress of the macro. I can use the status bar, but I would like a seperate screen that everyone would notice. Thanks.

John Spencer

Posted by Dave Hawley on March 27, 2001 7:24 PM

Hi John

The best option is to speed up your macro by removing loops where possible and using:
Application.ScreenUpdating=False as your firts line.

If you have Excel 2000 you could use a userform who's ShowModal is set to True.

The link below show anothe method with Excel 97


...Or another approach again is to have you code create a textbox with a message on it placed on the Worksheet.


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