Custom Footer

Posted by Martin Holroyd on November 06, 2001 6:25 AM

I have written a macro to insert a footer automatically
into my spreadhseets.
However, if the path name (which is on the left hand
side of the page) is quite long, it overwrites the
'Page n of n' which I would like in the centre of
the page. Does anyone know how to insert new line
breaks so that the 'Page n of n' information prints on
the line below the other text?

Posted by Hodge on November 06, 2001 7:32 AM

Hmmm . . . I have a solution that works, but in a weird kind of way. Make the path name superscript and "Page n of n" subscript.

Worksheets(sheettochange).PageSetup.CenterHeader = "&Y Page &P of &N"
Worksheets(sheettochange).PageSetup.LeftHeader = "&X &F"
You will have to make the fonts larger (use &24 or whatever) to compensate.

I know there is a better way but I'm not sure . . . I tried using (Ch(13)) a couple of ways with no luck.