I have solved this using a User Defined Function in VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)
Go to VBA
Insert a Module (If you dont have one already)
Paste in the following Function
Function BackToLevel(Curr, rng)
x = 1
For Each Value In rng
If Curr < Value Then
BackToLevel = x
Exit For
End If
x = x + 1
End Function
Now go back to Excel and call the function as per the table below. The results in column B give the number of weeks before the current index value is exceeded.
If there are no values larger it returns 0 for the number of weeks.
The first value in the function is your current index value, the 2nd part is the range of future index values.
In Excel add the following in Cols A & B
1 Index Number of weeks
2 100 =backtolevel(A2,A3:A6)
3 102 =backtolevel(A3,A4:A7)
4 95 =backtolevel(A4,A5:A8)
5 98 =backtolevel(A5,A6:A9)
6 103 =backtolevel(A6,A7:A10)
My solution came back as follows:
1 Index Number of weeks
2 100 1
3 102 3
4 95 1
5 98 1
6 103 0
If you have any queries get to me.
Sean's UDF appears OK. The following formula is another way.
In B1 array-enter: =MIN(IF(A2:$A$5>=A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&COUNT(A2:$A$5)))))
and copy down as far as needed. (In order to array-enter a formula, hit CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER at the same time, instead of just ENTER.)
Here are data with results: