No, but you can right mouse click the destination
cell and quickly choose Paste Special... from the
popup menu.
Don't know of any, but you can use the pop up menus when right clicking in a cell and choosing
paste special.
Use hot-key macro PasteSpecial.Value
Use the macro recorder; select any cell then select Special Paste - Values. End macro. Edit out the cell references. Highlight the code hit Copy. Then paste it to a macro you have named edit out the bad Sub and extra End. Close. Options assign Ctrl- your letter key.
Then when you load the clip board with a copy and highlight a paste cell just press the Ctrl-X to use the SpecialPase - Value selection macro instead of all the menu mouse clicks.
Hope this helps you. JSW
I do this a lot and have found that adding the Paste Special "icon" to the toolbar saves at least one step. Unfortunately you cannot set defaults for the options, but at least it doesn't require the precise scrolling that the menu bar or right click do.
If you are only changing cells and the basic set up of the sheet, you could make a copy of your original or "paste to" sheet (right click on tab and select copy.
Now copy and paste regular all your new values (with the wrong formats) on to your sheet.
Finally, clean it all up by coping the whole sheet of the copy of your original, and paste special formats back to your real original.
Hope this makes sense, it sounding a lot like "who's on first?".
good luck
Try these three Macro's for starters...I use them all the time Then add them to They work in the same way as copy Formulas that are relative remain relative ...absolute stay absolute etc
You can add a button to your standard toolbar and then assign each with one of the macros.
ps you can add copy and paste values as a button direct from the customise toolbars/Commands/edit box so there is no need for a macro for those.
Sub PasteAllExcept()
' Macro by Sean, 5th May 2000
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=7, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, _
End Sub
Sub PasteFormulas()
' Macro by Sean, 5th May 2000
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlFormulas, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
End Sub
Sub Paste_Comments()
' Macro by Sean, 5th May 2000
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteComments, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub
To add these go to VBE <Alt>+F11 insert a module preferably in you personal macro workbook so that it gets opened every time you start and is therefore always available.
Any Questions come back to me
Yes, it makes sense. Who is on first.