Conditional formatting, need macro?

Posted by Rob on July 27, 2001 10:29 AM

this is in regards to message 24716 .

Original Message:

The formula above will not format the row.
try Formula is_


$a1 being the start cell that you want

so! if you selected a1:m100
and you needed the whole row changing based on the value in column A then that is how you do it.

if you need it based on column G then

the $ part makes all cells on that row look at the absolute COLUMN but moves with the relative ROW.

TIP: make sure you select the area from Top Left to Bottom Right, then you can check in the name box as to which ROW/COLUMN to write into the formula.

Hope this makes sense, it's vague to me

Any probs let me know

I appreciate the feedback, the these solutions do not format the whole row based on one cell, if the other cells are not blank. For example. If the condition is =$C1="X" for the whole row, then each cell is tested. I want rows to be all based on the true or false condition of ONE cell, not each cell individually. So if C1 was X, i would want the row to be formatted, but if there was data in B1, it would test false because it does not ="X" . I hope you see my point. I really think a macro is called for here. Id appreciate anyone who could help me out, THANKS.

Posted by Rod on July 27, 2001 1:04 PM

You are right that Jacks responce will only work on one cell rather than the whole row. But if you read carefully Ian's response, it will work. I use this type all of the time.
If you use this formula in the conditonal formating for the whole row of "A", the whole row will change if a1 = apple.
The $ before the a is what makes this formula work.

Posted by Rob on July 27, 2001 1:35 PM

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I still can't get it to work how I want it. Yes, it does work, IF all the other cells in the row are blank, but if any of the cells have data, they do not format, which I want them to do. Its only blank cells that change, I assume because each is testing $A1 to see if it ="apple" which only A1 will be true of.

Please let me know if I'm missing something Rob,

Posted by Rob on July 27, 2001 1:37 PM

NEVERMIND, found the problem, THANK GUYS!!

Please let me know if I'm missing something : Rob,