Change picture of commandbar item

Posted by Bruno on December 11, 2001 7:56 AM

Is there a way, with vba, to change the picture of a commandbar.item ?
This is how far I known the way :

ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 1").Select
Application.CommandBars("Bruno").Controls.Add Type:=msoControlButton, Id:=2950, Before:=4

and then I have to paste the picture...
Application.CommandBars("Bruno").Controls(4) . . .

Any idea's ?

Posted by Juan Pablo G. on December 11, 2001 7:58 AM

PasteFace but i don't know if that works for your case. (NT)

Posted by Bruno on December 11, 2001 8:00 AM

Yes Juan it works (=solution within 5 minutes ! Whaaaw)