Can someone help me speed up this code???
Posted by Duane Kennerson on December 15, 2000 6:37 PM
Here is the code. I know its long but can anyone help me
speed it up? It creates a new toolbar in excel at start up.
Sub NewToolBar()
Dim cbrCommandBar As CommandBar
Dim cbcCommandBarButton As CommandBarButton
'This will create a custom command bar for the program
On Error Resume Next
Application.CommandBars("Daily Sheet Toolbar").Delete
Set cbrCommandBar = _
cbrCommandBar.Name = "Daily Sheet Toolbar"
cbrCommandBar.Position = msoBarTop
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
'Set properties of command buttons
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 71
.TooltipText = _
"Week 1"
.OnAction = "One"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 72
.TooltipText = _
"Week 2"
.OnAction = "Two"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 73
.TooltipText = _
"Week 3"
.OnAction = "Three"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 74
.TooltipText = _
"Week 4"
.OnAction = "Four"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 75
.TooltipText = _
"Week 5"
.OnAction = "Five"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 76
.TooltipText = _
"Week 6"
.OnAction = "Six"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 77
.TooltipText = _
"Week 7"
.OnAction = "Seven"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 78
.TooltipText = _
"Week 8"
.OnAction = "Eight"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 578
.TooltipText = _
"Sort Worksheets"
.OnAction = "AlphaSort"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 928
.TooltipText = _
"Sort Names on Sheet"
.OnAction = "sort"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 283
.TooltipText = _
.OnAction = "Calculator"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 3
.TooltipText = _
.OnAction = "savebook"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 4
.TooltipText = _
.OnAction = "printsheet"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 276
.TooltipText = _
"Feedback Form"
.OnAction = "Feedback"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 353
.TooltipText = _
"Training Log Update"
.OnAction = "TLog"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 1671
.TooltipText = _
"Delete Trainee"
.OnAction = "delete_click"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 236
.TooltipText = _
.OnAction = "Settings"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 183
.TooltipText = _
"Search for Employee"
.OnAction = "opensearch"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 133
.TooltipText = _
"Next Book"
.OnAction = "nextbook"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 132
.TooltipText = _
"Previous Book"
.OnAction = "previousbook"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 3004
.TooltipText = _
.OnAction = "About_Click"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 200
.TooltipText = _
"30 Minute Stamina"
.OnAction = "Thirty"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 200
.TooltipText = _
"60 Minute Stamina"
.OnAction = "Sixty"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 200
.TooltipText = _
"120 Minute Stamina"
.OnAction = "OneTwenty"
.Tag = ""
End With
With cbrCommandBar.Controls
Set cbcCommandBarButton = _
With cbcCommandBarButton
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = ""
.FaceId = 200
.TooltipText = _
"240 Minute Stamina"
.OnAction = "TwoForty"
.Tag = ""
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
End With
cbrCommandBar.Visible = True
End Sub